Hellooo Friend!

Hema Here!  Give me a biggg Hi5!

I hate DVLA rules !

What about You?

They are difficult to remember! Aren’t they?
Good News is we do not need to remember all of them.
We can tell the patients that we would get back to them or the specialist/ DVLA would cover in detail.
We must highlight that they should not drive till then. Just brush up the points prior to CSA.

It is vital to know about the impact on driving in cases like First seizure, Dizziness, Epilepsy on medications,Dementia, vision problems etc.

Important thing is –
To Remember to cover ‘DRIVING’ in CSA.

One of the Toppers, Kashif Bhatti, shared his TIP just for You
Make a LIST of things to cover in CSA and keep it between
You and the Stimulator beside the digital clock.

(We even wrote the finishing time on top of each Case sheet).

Circle or highlight the important things!

List might include:

ICE/ PSO/ Affect/Driving/ Meds


Examination/Diagnosis or DD

Management Options/ Safety netting etc.

The List helped me a lot as a Speed Breaker and helped to explore in an order!

Back to DVLA 🙂

It depends on if                 Group 1            or         Group 2.

1. Fit

First Fit, alcohol fit    –       6 months          –             5 years.
drug fit, cough fit.

Epilepsy ( be fit free)      –    5 yrs                 –            10 yrs.

Fit after meds stopped  –     1 yr                   –            10 yrs.

2. Syncope

Simple Vasovagal        –    No restriction      –        3 months.

Cardiac Syncope

– Cause is treated           –     1 month                 –      3months.

– No cause found           –    6 months                 –          1 yr.

3. Giddiness                 –  depends on impact     –          1 yr.

4. TIA/ Stroke               –  1 month                       –          1 yr.

5. Narcolepsy                    –     Stop Driving.

Group 1           –     Group 2

6. Sleep Apnoea – Stop     –  if symptomatic   –  till assessment.

MS, MND, Parkinsons   –     1,2,3 yrly           –       Annually.

(Needs specialist assessment)

Head Injury                      –     6-12 months.

Group1         –       Group2
Acute                             –      6 months     –        needs assessment.

Chronic (treated Sx )                                   –         6 – 12 months.


Angina                          –      Stop               –     6 week assessment.
(at wheel/ rest/

NSTEMI,                            –    1 week             –      6 weeks.
Tx with Angioplasty.

If not Tx by Angioplasty   –    4 weeks          –    assessment.

CABG,                                 –      4 weeks           –     3 months.

ICD implant                      –   6 months           –     Barred.
(after every shock)

Hypertension                   –    nil                       –  >180/100.

Group 1         –       Group 2

Aortic Aneurysm

Needs assessment          –    if > 6cm           –    if>5.5 cm.

IF >6.5 cm     —>    STOP.

Dementia                       –   for assessment     –    STOP.


Misuse                             –      6 months            –      1 yr.

Dependence,                  –      1 yr                       –      3 yrs.
fits, withdrawl,

Alcohol Fit                      –  6 months                –      5 yrs.

Psychosis        —>   Stop.

Visual problem

Diplopia —> Stop and to inform DVLA.

Many more – Please visit DVLA website!

At a glance guide to the current

medical standards of fitness to


The At a Glance booklet is available to view online in PDF format.

CSA Smartgroup-dvla-rules

DVLA at a glance

I know this is a very dry subject!

Try to incorporate with the cases like MS, Alcohol misuse or Dementia and Remember….

To Your Success,
Hema xoxo.

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