It is easy to guess/ commonsense in most cases.
There are few scenarios can come up in CSA.
Like a patient with SOB and suspected Anaemia/ stable angina/ recent MI, pregnancy, with cast etc.
Patients who CANNOT fly are:
1. Unstable Angina, (Watch for it – can apply if patient to be seen at CP clinic)
2. Decompensated CCF,
3. Uncontrolled Hypertension,
4. Uncontrolled Cardiac Arrhythmias,
5. Severe Valvular Heart Disease,
6. If Haemoglobin < 7.5. Myocardial Infarction If Complicated – 4 – 6 weeks. If Uncomplicated MI – 1 week. Angioplasty – 5 days. CABG – 10 days. CVA – 3 days. Viscus surgery – 10 days. Chest surgery – 3 – 4 weeks Pregnancy if > 28 weeks, need certification.
Single – not more than 36 weeks.
Multiple – not more than 32 weeks.
Ortho Cast
If < 2 hrs flight – can fly after 24 hrs. For longer duration – can fly after 48 hrs. Others Oxygen requirements for COPD, Pneumothorax, etc, etc. In CSA, when not clear, it is better to say that we would look into and let them know later.
To Your Success, Hema xoxo.
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