Learn How to Manage a Down Syndrome Antenatal Screening Consultation in CSA



Watch the video to learn

1. How to manage a case of Down syndrome – antenatal screening consultation in CSA.

2. How to explore the real concerns of the patients, background information, any relevant family history etc.

3. How to explain about the condition using basic language, and answer any points that arise.

4. Importance of checking if she understands each chunk of information, asking if everything’s clear so far.



Watch Video: 

How to Manage a Case of Down’s Antenatal Screening Consultation?




Get the full transcript below!


Other resources to dive in deep :)

Practice the following scenarios!

1. Prenatal counselling where a couple believe they are at risk of having a child with a single gene disorder such as Sickle cell disease.

2. A woman concerned about the significance of a family history of colon cancer requesting a colonoscopy or cystic fibrosis.

Most of the cases require the ability to construct a simple family tree, recognise basic patterns of inheritance, communicate risk effectively and refer onto additional specialist services when required.


Good news :

Extensive knowledge of individual rare genetic disorders is not needed to pass.


Click the links below for further reading!

Genetics Counselling – Get the BASICS Right!

How to Manage a case of Genetic Counselling for Cystic Fibrosis?

Six Secret Steps For Breaking Bad News!



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Dr. Hema 



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FULL TRANSCRIPT – Tips To Rock Your Consultation


How to Correctly Manage a Case of Down’s Antenatal Screening Consultation?


Hi. Thank you for joining me. I am very excited to have you here.


I am Dr Hema, a GP in UK and the founder of csasmartgroup.com, where CSA proudly stands for Consultation Skills Academy. 


We help doctors and medical students, not only pass their exams with flying colours but to completely rock their consultation with confidence, get more marks, wow their patients and at the end of the day, to enjoy doing it! 


This is based on my very own experience I gathered over 14 years of working as a doctor in India and England, reading lots of books, attending many courses on communication and consultation skills and teaching students for last 3 years.


In my flagship online training programme called ‘CSA SMARTSUCCESS’, I teach my students in detail with simple easy steps to shine during their consultations with confidence and ease.

In today’s video, I would like to discuss the correct way to manage a Down’s Antenatal Screening consultation.


Here, let us discuss with an example where a patient has just found out she is pregnant and is slightly worried as a friend has had a baby with Down’s syndrome.


First, it is better to ask what the patient understands by the term.


Before jumping into explaining all about the Down’s syndrome, it would be ideal to find out a bit more information like whether it is her first pregnancy? Is she taking folic acid? Is she aware of the practice’s pregnancy kit?


It’s also good to establish some background information, such as underlying health problems, issues of smoking, alcohol intake and the husband or family’s input.


We could explain that it’s rarely genetic.


It is a best practice to offer routine examinations like blood pressure, urinalysis and abdominal examination to make sure things are normal.


I would then explain in layman’s terms how Down’s syndrome is caused by having an extra genetic code.


Sufferers may have learning difficulties, ranging from mild to severe, but they’re not known straight away.


Then I would inform her that everyone has routine scans as part of their pregnancy and, for Down’s testing, it’s quite rare for a woman of 30, a one in 1,000 chance.


There are screening tests that can look at risk in more detail.


That involves a jelly scan earlier than normal and getting some blood tests done, which gives the doctor a picture of the individual risk.


Then it is important to check that she understands each chunk of information, asking if everything’s clear so far.


Then we could reveal a high risk is greater than one in 150 and, if this is the case, there is another test that can look specifically at the fluid around the baby, collect some genetic material and see if there is some of the extra code.


It is vital to point out that one in 100 who has that test may miscarry.


We have to enquire sensitively about how would the patient proceed if the child did have Down’s syndrome?


Would she consider consulting with her husband is the best option?


Questions like these need to be asked.


Then I would suggest booking a new appointment with her and her husband for a week’s time and tell her to take an information pack from reception.


Make sure you cover all these points in your exam.


That’s all for today, I will see you soon in another training video.


Till then, if you’ve enjoyed this video, click the like button.


Share this video with your friends as I know that we practice together with our friends all the time. 


Now, I would like to invite you to sign up for my free video series called ‘ROCK YOUR CONSULTATION’. 


I have created these videos especially to help you to ROCK your consultation, get MORE marks, WOW your patients and make every examiner ADMIRE you. 


All you need to do is to enter your name and email address in the box below. 


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Let’s Do It! 

 Dr Hema

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