Watch today’s video to learn
1. How to master the concept of inner consultation.
2. The five “checkpoints” which you must “report to” before moving on.
3. How not to react impulsively and disregard your overall intended performance.
This is part 2 of the two-part series.
Click here to see part 1 video about minimal cues!
Learn about the check points to rock your consultations
Get the full transcript below.
Click Here for Part 1 video – Learn about the MINIMAL CUES to rock your consultations 🙂
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Dr. Hema
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Transcript – Consultation Skills Tips
Tips To Rock Your Consultation – Part Two of 2 part series.
Hi. Thank you for joining me.
I am very excited to have you here.
I am Dr Hema and I am the founder of, where CSA stands for Consultation Skills Academy.
We help doctors and medical students, not only pass their exams with flying colours but to completely rock their consultation with confidence, get more marks, wow their patients and at the end of the day, to enjoy doing it!
In part one of these two-part series, we discussed about an approach to learning certain consultation skills.
This is based on my very own experience, some of the books and courses on consultation skills I gathered over years.
In one of my online programmes — CSA SMART SUCCESS, I teach my students in detail with simple easy steps to shine during their consultations with confidence and ease.
My all-time favourite books are The Inner Consultation by Dr Roger Neighbour and The Naked Consultation by Dr Liz Moulton.
I LOVE them.
You can buy them in amazon.
I strongly recommend them.
One approach I find effective is to think of each consultation as an orienteering course with five “checkpoints” which you must “report to” before moving on.
Dr Roger Neighbour rightly mentioned them as connecting, summarising, handing over, safety netting and housekeeping.
As you negotiate your way through an appointment, concentrate on completing each “checkpoint”, one after the other.
First, connecting – Here, the aim is to achieve a positive rapport with the patient, to get on his/her wavelength.
Eradicate any assumptions, prejudices or internal dialogue.
Observe the characteristics of the patient non-judgementally, paying attention to verbal, physical, para-verbal, non-verbal, behavioural and postural traits.
Next, summarising – Comprehensively identify exactly why the patient has come to see you and provide a precise summary about what you perceive their expectations are.
You’ll become more insightful and efficient if you can learn to summarise with confidence.
Other useful tips include checking with a mini-summary, echoing patient phrases and thereby prompting further information, as well as explaining why you are asking particular questions.
When you hand over, ensure the patient is okay with the overall outcome.
During this phase, a management plan needs to be implemented.
It can involve “gift wrapping”, i.e. articulating certain terms or strategies, otherwise issues around consent may become confused.
Anticipation is also an important factor in helping deal with any possible resistance.
Safety netting means making plans for anything unexpected.
It is very important to empower our patients to take responsibility for their health and to seek advice if needed.
So, ask yourself the following;
If I’m right, what do I expect to happen?
How will I know if I’m wrong and what will I do then?
This approach should make both parties feel better.
Finally, housekeeping, i.e. looking after yourself.
Bear in mind, it’s our professional responsibility to be in the best physical and mental state possible for every single patient.
But also remember, we’re only human too and at some point in our work we’re just as likely to become tired, worked up or as bored as anyone else, so take that into consideration.
No consultation is finished until you are fully prepared for the next one.
That’s all for today, I will see you soon in another teaching video.
Till then, if you’ve enjoyed this video, click the like button.
Share this video with your friends as I know that we practice together with our friends all the time.
Now, I would like to invite you to sign up for my free video series called ROCK YOUR CONSULTATION.
I have created these videos especially to help you to ROCK your consultation, get MORE marks, WOW your patients and make every examiner ADMIRE you.
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You are an amazing person.
Let me help you to rock your consultations with confidence and ease.
Let’s Do It!
Dr Hema Esh
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[…] here to see part 2 video about check […]