Hellooo Friend,

Hema Here!

Wowww!  I can’t believe!

This pic was taken on 15th Dec 2012, Now IT IS >14,000!!!!



Now it is 14,000  ViEwS  In  FiVe Months!!!!



Are >14,000 views better than >15,000 views ???

What do you think?

I think it is BETTER.

Recently, I got a letter from Medscape (emedicine) saying that >15,000 views for one of my articles called Cholecystitis!

I was not really happy like I am now. (Honestly).

I am over the moon, now….

Because I am a part of your CSA preparation group!

That’s exactly what I want to do!

To be with you when you are taking this ordeal!

Yes, I am Delighted! Woo – Hooo!

Crossed over 14,000 Views and COUNTING!!!

That too in 5 Months, Yes, You read correctly!

Viewers all over from FIVE continents – UK, USA, Canada, Mexico, India, Russia, Germany, Spain, France, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Thailand, Taiwan, Newzealand, Australia, UAE, etc, etc!

You can see the tiny tiny red dots in the earth image down below in the page!

WOOOoooo – Hooooo!

Many of you are on holiday!  Hoorayyy!

I can see the stats!

How Amazing!!!  Thank you so much! Give me a Bigggg Hi5 again!

I Should Stop Keep Checking! (Early OCD!)

Some Of Your Email Testimonials 🙂

* Hema, I have to admit, I like the verve and sparkle in your personality. I am most impressed by all this free stuff you are doing and in particular, how you’ve developed websites, e-books and a whole host of other things and  doing all of this to ‘give something back’ which I personally think is inspirational and admirable. Again, I’d like to say how good it is to see an individual with so much energy who wants to contribute to others without anything in return.

– Dr Ramesh Mehay,    Programme Director, Bradford VTS Training programme and the Creator of

*Thanks Hema, I hope you & csa smart group members will carry on staying in our group, giving this invaluable tips when you qualify next month – Dr. Awin.

*Congratulations for your great success. It is very nice to see the blog you have started to help CSA takers especially IMG graduates. I am one of those trainees from the xxxx struggling to get through this exam. I gave 2 attempts till now with fail. Awaiting to get the news from deanery about my possible extension. Your help and advice are very useful for me and would like to talk to you if that is ok with you. Could you give your phone number and tell me the best time to call you? – Dr BG.

*Thanks Hema – These are really informative tips for GPs in Practice. A*** and Me need to prepare for CSA again as I don1t know this super Knowledge – Dr SK.

*Hema, Wish we had somebody wrote like this when we took the exam…Dr Iram Shahid, Bradford.

* Excellent Course, Very Useful points, Powerful words. Thanks for sharing, Hema – Dr Ansar Hayat, BMA Committee Member, Leeds.
* CSA made easy…Very helpful tips, thanks for sharing. – Dr Salma Quraishi, Goole.
* “Thanks for your tips. Enjoyed your blog as well. Its rare to find people who share information and knowledge to    others.. Congrats and best wishes for your FB page and blog. Keep going..” – Dr Priya Jay, Goodmayes, United Kingdom.
* Hi Hema, The session was very useful.You gave me good feed back. Watching videos was useful. Dr HY, Leeds.
* Thank you very much Hema. You are doing great work for all of us. I read all your posts- they are inspiring. – Dr Ansar Hayat.
*HI hema, how are you?you seem to be busy doing a lot of things.appreciate your talents ;congrats on your jewelry work and achievements on that. i’m suggesting your website to my friend who is going to take up CSA soon. – Dr Felcy Alex.
*Great initiative this and I really like the style you write in as gives it that personal tutorial feel instead of trying to learn an ominous list of facts! I hope you dont mind me using it sometimes even though I have already passed my CSA (and therefore forgotten everything!) – Dr Malcolm Davies.

”Hi Hema, Thank you for your time and kind hospitality. We enjoyed the course thoroughly. The ‘Right Mindset’ section was really ‘mind blowing’. You need to have this approach from the outset of CSA preparation if you want to pass your CSA. I am very glad that I attended this course at the right time so I can reflect and change my practice in day-to-day life to make it natural on the day of exam.”- Dr Ansar Hayat, GP Registrar, Yorkshire Regional Representative, GPC Trainees’ Subcommittee, British Medical Association.

”Dear Hema, Thank you very much for CSA smart course. I appreciate your efforts and hard work to help us. The “Mind set “was really mind-blowing because I practically tried in my surgery with some really good feedback today. I have a lot of energy and ability to deal with complicated problems and i am not seeing them as problems now. I feel like kick started and updating constantly will help me get even better and smarter. I think i am very lucky to attend this course”. – Dr Mahipal Vemula, GP Registrar, Doncaster.

‘‘Hi Hema, The course was useful. Especially the first module: boosted my confidence. I think all GP Registrars who are facing the fear of failure should attend this. This will make us realize the importance of positive attitude on the big day.”- Dr B Yelakala, GP Registrar, Leeds.


It filled my Heart!

I am proud to be a small part of this Big Ripple Effect!

Thank you for being a part of it by sharing our articles with your friends and junior GP registrars!

Be Creative, Live Your Dreams and Celebrate Your Life NOW!

To Your Success,





Hema xoxo.

General Practitioner.

Creator of Royal Amore & CSA SmartGroup & Ready to Shine

Author of CSA Success Grenade – Fundays.

Watch for more BOOKS-













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