Hellooo Friend!

Hema Here!

Give me a Big Hi 5!


If you are reading this blog, I am sure that you really, really want to take a BIG leap in improving your learning pattern to meet your individual needs.

Most People in life are ‘Say-ers’.

But, You have proved yourself to be a ‘Do-er’.

That is Rare!  You should be Proud!

Start Planning for CSA as Early as Possible.  Sooner is Better!

Domains of Learning Needs-

In simple terms, they fall into Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes!

KSA  for our  CSA!    Hooray!!!

Knowledge is Easy – Peasy. Remember, we have already passed our AKT 🙂

What about the Skills?

To whom I am talking with?

You are the Best with your Practical Skills!

But in CSA mode??? It is ENTIRELY different!

This is going to be your Best Friend!

Our Super friend – Skill has three magical wands to help us!

1. Cognitive wand 

To think about what we are Doing.

2. Fixative wand –

To get it right by mere Practice.

3. Autonomous wand –

To go on Auto-Pilot mode. Wowww!

Intention becomes Action- Action becomes Habit.

Next comes the Attitude! What do you think about it?

Is it easy to upgrade IT ?  (I wish Steve Jobs had an App for it)


I think….

Attitude is the trickiest bit to get it right!

This should come from Within.

It Explores Values, Honesty, Safety of Patients and Attitudes.

Be brave in CSA in similar scenarios to stand for your beliefs.

Like unrealistic expectations, sick note demands, under -performing colleague,etc.

Try to explain WITH the Genuine reasons.

Finally think about our Facade and Blind spots!

( I am not talking about driving lessons here)

Facade –  what we know that we do not know (Easy bit!).

Blind spot –  what others know that we do not know(Scary!).

In addition to exploring our lovely Patients’ Ideas, Concerns and Expectations,

Now – we are going to explore our OWN Facade and Blind spots!

Once you know, WHAT You Want, Everything is Easy- Peasy!!   Lemon- Squeezy!! Just Go and Get them!











Wowww!! Give me a Bigggg Hi5 again!!!!

Keep interacting!

To Your Success,

Hema xoxo. 

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